The current Pandemic and Protest have given us a window of opportunity to reflect on how we can reinvent ourselves and our society. When Productivity Coaches are asked to open our toolboxes so clients understand how their well-being can be more balanced and sustainable, one of the first tools we examine is Boundary Setting. The current environment in which we live should give us all pause to think about the value of understanding and respecting boundaries.

Boundary Setting knocks loudly on our front door as it steps inside to help us address our basic need for self-preservation. Anne Katherine, retired psychotherapist says “Boundaries bring order to our lives, strengthen our relationships with others and ourselves, and are essential to our mental and physical health” as quoted from her book, Boundaries Where You End And I Begin: How To Recognize And Set Healthy Boundaries. If boundaries can bring order to our lives, then it follows that we need to understand what that even means. Here are several tips to get you thinking:

  • Clarify Your Work Boundaries 
    1. What limits do you define for your workday – what are your priorities for the day – do you have a list of “Must Dos”? What are acceptable interruptions?
    2. What are your self-care boundaries – how many hours will you work? How often will you take breaks? What are snacking/drinking/eating habits to keep your mind sharp and focused?
    3. What matters most?
    4. When you identify these needs, you are more apt to have internal calm as you bring order to your day.
  • Share Your Work Boundaries with Co-Workers/Family
    1. When others understand what is expected, they are going to be more respectful of your needs – this is what communication is all about.
    2. We start taking care of ourselves when we acknowledge what we need and what we need others to respect related to our boundaries.
    3. Whether we are talking about a family member, significant other, co-worker,  or friend, think of how less stressful it is when you know those people understand your work boundaries so you are not conflicted with having to explain yourself.
  • Clarify Your Interpersonal Boundaries
    1. What matters most?
    2. What behaviors are acceptable from others, from yourself?
    3. How do you use your verbal and nonverbal cues to help people interpret your boundaries?
    4. What expectations do you want others to understand for your self-preservation?
    5. When you identify these needs, you are more apt to have internal calm because you know what you stand for.
  • Learn About Boundaries Set by Neighbors, Friends, Co-Workers
    1. Be aware of the parameters that others expect of you or need from you.
    2. If you are not clear, ask.
    3. Communication is key to getting along with others. When we take the time to listen to the needs of others, we start to make our society a healthier place to live.
    4. When we talk to each other and listen to each other, we bring order to our Universe.

Hopefully these tips will give you a fresh perspective on reinventing your healthier self and a healthier society.