The alarm goes off and the day begins all over again. What are your routines for self-care before you get out of bed and for the rest of the day? There are several rules to ponder.

  1. Put on your Oxygen Mask please. The flight attendant always reminds you to put on your mask before helping your children. This is a principle for life. You cannot help others unless you are first taking care of yourself. What does that look like for you?

  2. Communicate! Let others around you know the 411  – information on daily routines: chore expectations, study times, down time, exercise time, tv/computer time. What are the boundaries you need to communicate with your family members?

  3. Create your sacred space. Where do you need to work to get the job done? What does that look like? What do you need to do to stay motivated and focused while you work?

Following these three golden rules can help you manage your day, starting with the alarm. If you can use some Coaching on boundaries, contact Linda at 678-294-7813.