When you were in college or high school and had to write a paper about a specific subject, what was the first thing you had to do?

  1. I would just start writing about anything and everything.
  2. I would not say anything and get a failing grade.
  3. I would identify a topic on the subject matter.

After you identified your topic (yes, C was the correct answer above), what was your next step?

  1. I would just start writing about anything on the subject.
  2. I would not say anything and get a failing grade.
  3. I would do some research on the topic.

What did the research on your topic (yes, C was the correct answer above) do for your ability to write a paper?

  1. Research helped me understand my subject matter.
  2. Research helped me get a passing grade.
  3. Research piqued my curiosity to learn more about the subject matter.

If you answered A,B, and C above, once again you got the correct answer. Now, answer the next question. Since you are writing the story of your life every day, how do you want your life to unfold?

  1. I just want to barely pass living each day.
  2. I want to have an average life.
  3. I want to excel at something I am passionate about.
  4. I want to feel like I am making an impact on someone or something.

There really is not a correct answer here because we are all unique with our learning style, goals, ambitions, and visions. Though we might all want our story to unfold in different ways, there are action steps that we can take to make the most of whatever it is we want to achieve. Here are two important first steps – remember, you have to begin with good research in order to write a believable life story.

  1. Identify your top three most relevant values.
  2. Identify your top three most important needs.

When you process what speaks to you at your inner core, you can more clearly define how you want that picture of your life to unfold. Could you benefit from some coaching on this issue? If so, contact Linda Diamond at Captured Clutter…organizing therapy for a free Values and Needs assessment to get you started on writing your story. Contact Linda at 678-294-7813 or linda@capturedclutter.com